Tuesday, August 30, 2011



Today Laken was all about the Playdoh.....he was much more into the squishy compound than in sitting and learning his name or nursery rhymes. Since I am way more interested in him learning at his own pace and his own way, I didn't force him. Instead I sat beside him and showed him how shapes look made out of playdoh. We reviewed colors, since he already knows them anyway, and the letter A. I will try again tomorrow with the structured learning.
If it's alien making again then so be it! Blessed to have a smart little boy.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Laken's School

Week 1- Monday

Laken and I are starting out on a new adventure. We are starting a structured homeschooling routine. Last year we learned on the fly and did activities a couple times a week. I decided since he is starting preschool outside of the home next school year that I would give him a head start. Today was our first day!
Our theme for the week is: Cows. We learned what a cow is and what it looks like. We reviewed our learning board to get familiar with how it works. Our vocabulary word to remember and learn is: calf. We learned that this is the word for a baby cow. We read the book "Going to sleep on the Farm" and looked at pictures of real cows. Laken colored a picture of a cow and we made a cow hand puppet together. He was really excited to use paints today.
We also counted to ten and started name recognition. I posted his name above the learning board so he will get familiar with how it looks written out. I also write his name on all his work and say each letter as I write it so he will get use to hearing the letters of his name in order.